
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

5th grade Social Studies test ch. 1

5th Graders will have their first Social Studies test Thursday on Chapter 1.
They will bring home the chapter review tomorrow afternoon.  Their test
will come from the questions and skills in that review.  I will send their Social
Studies book and the review home with them tomorrow.

D. Stone

Monday, August 27, 2012

6th Grade ~ Materials Needed

The 6th graders require a few more supplies to help this year run smoothly.  Please send the following items by the dates indicated:
  • 1 yellow folder with pockets, due: Thursday 8/30/12  (Most children have these because they purchased their supplies through IAH.  However, if you did not do this your child needs a yellow folder.  This is what I use for Thursday folders to send work home in.) 
  • 1 pack of 5 three ring binder dividers, due:  Tuesday 9/4/12
Thank you! 

Mrs. Hill

Math in 5th and 6th grades

We have gotten off to a great start this year, and changing classes is working very well!
It was wonderful to get to visit with so many parents last Friday afternoon.  Both 5th and
6th grade classes have homework in math tonight for the first time.  The 6th graders will
have a mid-chapter check-up on Friday.  I will give each of them a worksheet based on the
test tomorrow!  It will be in the front pocket of their binders and will be labeled mid-chapter
check point.  I hope this will help them prepare for this test.  Fifth graders will not test until
some time next week. 
Have a wonderful week!
Debby Stone

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

1st Day of School

We had a wonderful first day of school!  Here a few reminders to help things continue to go smoothly:
  • Please remember that assembly starts each day at 7:50  a.m.  We will be in the classroom working by 8:00.
  • School will be dismissed at 3:15 p.m. 
  • This year we are dismissing from the gym. The children will be in the gym at 3:10. Please drive to the sidewalk by the gym doors, and the teachers will help the children get to the cars.  If you plan to stay for an extended period of time, you may park by the office and walk down to pick up your children. 
Thank you for all of your cooperation.  We are looking forward to a super school year! 

*6th graders have homework policy and class rules signature pages that need to be signed, and returned to school by tomorrow.

Friday, August 17, 2012

5th & 6th Grade Homework Policy

Mrs. Stone’s and Mrs. Hill’s

5th and 6th Grade Classroom Homework Policy

Islamic Academy of Huntsville


          Homework will only be given when necessary, and will always be meaningful.  The purpose of homework is to reinforce important skills and strategies taught in class.  Mrs. Stone and Mrs. Hill will work together to ensure avoidance of homework overload.  The homework policy is stated as follows:

·         Homework is expected to be turned in on time.  (Emergencies will be taken into account on an individual basis.) 

·         If homework is late the student will have the choice of completing it during recess or having his/her name and a check mark placed in the discipline notebook.  The check mark will be erased if homework is turned in by the next day.

5th & 6th Grade Classroom Rules and Discipline Policy

Mrs. Stone’s and Mrs. Hill’s

5th and 6th Grade Classroom Discipline Plan

Islamic Academy of Huntsville


          Students will be expected to follow rules in all areas of school life.  Rules will be posted in 5th and 6th grade classrooms.  A discipline notebook will travel with each class.  Student’s name placed in notebook for rule infraction will be considered a warning.  A 2nd infraction will result in a check mark placed next to name which will cause student to miss ½ of recess.  A third infraction, 2nd check mark, will result in lunch isolation.  Any further infractions will result in a trip to the office, and phone call to parents.  Students who receive no check marks each week will participate in game/activity time on Friday afternoons.  The following codes will be placed next to each student name and/or check mark in the discipline notebook to denote the nature of any infractions.

TO – talking out of turn/disrupting class     

DR – disrespect of teacher or another student

ND – not following directions

HW – homework not turned in on time

LM – lack of materials

              Classroom Rules

1.    Be respectful of others at all times.

2.   Always raise hand to speak during instruction.

3.   Follow all teachers’ directions.

4.   Turn in homework on time.

5.   Have all necessary materials.